
こうやって賭けるのだよ、How to bet

  1. ブラインドースティーリング: あなたがディーラーの位置にある場合、あなたの左側がブラインドになり、あなたがその位置でコールすると、それはブラインド・スティーリングと呼ばれます。これをやられるとブラインドはほとんどの場合、チェックせずに下りてしまいます。



    Phil Gordonが
  2. スチールーレイズ: 自分の座り場所が最後にアクションをとる位置の場合、ほかのプレーヤー全員はすでにあなたに対するチェックの状況にあります。そこでレイズすると、賭けの相手を限定できる効果があり、時にはポットを取れる場合が生じます。ただしこうした行動をお奨めできる状況は限定され、フロップを得ていて自分の順位を確認したいときに利用することが基本です。
  3. チェック-レイジング: 相手のレイズを誘う意思を秘めてチェックをかけ、それから相手のレイズに自らのレイズを重ねる、そんな作戦をチェックーレイジングと読んでいます。相手が自分の手に安心してしまい、そうした心情のまま賭け金をあげてくるところへ、あなたのレイズをぶつけるのです。

  4. オープナー: 最初に何らかのアクションをとらねばならない時にレイズします。この戦略は参加するプレーヤーの数を限定したいときや、インフォメーション・ベットの(相手の状況を知りたい)時にに利用します。(一般に、手の良いプレーヤーはこのときコールします。)ほとんどの人たちが降りるでしょうが、残る人たちはあなた同様強気なプレーヤーなのか、もしくは本当に良い手が来ていると考えられます。
  5. スキージング: 相手のプレーヤーもしくは複数のプレーヤーが(ストレートやフラッシュを追求して)ゲームから降りそうもないときにレイズすることを言います。このタイミングでのレイズはつぎのカードに賭けている相手の気持を萎えさせる効果があります。



How you bet

"Bet" is the word when you make a bet that is a declaration that you have a good hand. Well. most of the case. When a player raises, they are saying that they have the best hand and they'll be glad to risk their asset for a certain extent.
Most of the case, players are supposed to raise when they have a good hand and those who have a bad hand are expected to fold. If every one of the players stuck to this policy, there would be no need for any strategy. However, most of the players doesn't follow those principal and try whatever they think the best. Right! They try to neglect the mathematical principle at all.
Can they win? In the long run, they will lose, of course. The following describes the some strategic plays based upon the psychology. No, they are nothing to do with mathematics . For that matter, the best solution is that you don't play gamble at all.
  1. Blind-Stealing: When you are on the dealer button and that you have the blinds on your left, a raise is often called blind-stealing. This may cause the blinds to fold, stead of simply checking. This strategy will never make you rich though, it ends the game faster and you may be dealt with a new hand earlier (with the hope of winning and adding a few tips to your stack, of course).

    Blind stealing is a tremendous tactic within a tournament game, especially when the blinds become very rich.

    Phil Gordon gives
    a plethora with his
    insight to no limit holdem.
  2. Steal-Raise: If you are the last o act and all players have checked to you, a simple raise can limit the number of active players on take the pot. This move is only recommended if you have hit a piece of the flop an want to see where you stand.

  3. Check raising: The act of checking to your opponent with the intention of luring them to raise, so that you can re-raise them back. your intention is to betting so you can re-raise back at them. For example, I was in early position and was holing AQ and the flop came down as "Q-A-A". I didn't want to scare anyone out of the pot so I checked and waited for someone to bet. My opponent bets, and I raise him back with a substantial amount that kept him thinking for a minute.

  4. The Opener: Raising when you are first to acct. This strategy is used to limit the number of players and is an information bet (Usually players with strong hand will call). Many will fold, but the ones remaining will either be equally aggressive or truly have a good had.

  5. Squeezing: Raising when suspecting another player or players may be on a draw (Players looking for a straight, flush, etc). Raising discourages players taking a chance on their draws. For exap@le, I was holding a suited hand J10, and the flop came down as 2-A-8 with two clubs on the community. One more club would have game me a strong flush possibility, but my opponent bet a strong amount that wasn't worth gambling if I didn't hit my flush.

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