
Look around table テーブルをひとわたり見渡して・・・。






テーブルについている人数は何人ですか?フルハンズ(満席)かショートハンズ(6人以下)か。満席のときというのは一般に9人もしくは10人プレーヤーがテーブルについている状態を表しています。このときには、だれかが強い手もしくはオーバーカード(AA, KK, AK, AQなど)である可能性があり、自分の手と比較すればほとんどの場合、相手の勝ち予測されます。



Look around the table

At the very moment when you arrive the game table, you won't expect that someone has clear strategic image of the up coming games. You are one of them. You are too busy to focus the game that is going on right in front of your eyes so that you won't be conscious of the chair that you just have sit or of the people that are sitting around the very table, who will be your opponents.

It goes without saying that this is common mistake. Before you focus on the game, you may revise your promise that to earn money you have to bet and looking around the tips that sit in front of the opponents. It is best to the following preflop strategy before you look around or start planning the betting mount.

The number of players:

Make sure how many people are sitting around the table. Is it full hands or short hands? If it looks full, be sure if it is 9 or 10. You need to realize in case that the table is full or pretty close to full, there may be someone with better hands than you have. If you have over cards, you should expect that there is someone who has similar hands.

Or there is this possibility that the hole cards of someone else is better fit to the flop than you do. Think about those matter and you have to be careful start playing your turn. I have one more thing to tell before you start getting into the game. Right, wait for the next post to learn that.

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